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Our Services

How We Can Help

Postural Dysfunction


Musculoskeletal Pain and discomfort is often due to workplace posture or manual handling. At Remedy Soft Tissue Therapy we take into account your work life when assesing your complaint, treat symptoms to relieve pain and discomfort aswell as providing you the

understanding and knowledge to limit future episodes

Physical Therapist

At Remedy Soft Tissue Therapy we recognise managing Chronic pain requires a multifaceted approach considering the relationship between physical, mental & emotional wellbeing.

along with hands on techniques to reduce pain and we also provide techniques to assit with stress levels, improved sleep and overall well-being in order for clients to actively participate in their pain management.

Therapy modalities used in treatment along with Manual techniques ( Mobilisation, Massage and Manipulation) include Medical Acupuncture (Dry Needling) Electrotherapy and Dry Cupping, Kinesiology Taping (myofascial decompression).

Treatment options will be discussed during consultation.

Contact us to find out more.

Sports Therapy

Child Physiotherapy

Although prevention is better than cure sports injuries still happen.

At Remedy Soft Tissue Therapy we quickly evaluate and treat your injury, provide you with a comprehensive rehabilitation programme with follow up appointments/treatment and educate you with advice to prevent future injury.

Our aim is to get you back doing what you love as quickly as possible.

Chronic Pain

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